

1. 遵循國內外環境保護及能資源效率相關法規與標準。
2. 加強溝通與宣導環保政策,深化全體員工對環境保護的認知、責任與承擔。
3. 採取環境友善行動,持續提升能資源耗用、廢棄物管理與污染防治績效,並積極與客戶、供應商,共同建立綠色供應鏈。
4. 隨著全球環保法規對有害物質的禁用與廢棄回收規定的實施,未來綠色環保系統產品及相關無鹵材料的製程及組裝測試技術將面臨嚴重考驗。我們將廢棄物處理的考量列入產品的設計和製造中,以減少降低污染對環境的衝擊。


Compliance Certification

Due to resource challenges, and lack of industry standards, GIGA-TMS cannot respond to the many unique requests and formats for compliance reporting and information, across our customer base and product range.
GIGA-TMS will not provide comprehensive material disclosures or declarations because of above standing point. All information, and any other data published by Gigatms are subject to change without prior notice.

To comply with customers’ demand, GIGA-TMS will provide simple material declarations / statements / certifications of RoHS compliance for product series in general, and for specific products on request. In the event that a GIGA-TMS product contains an unacceptable amount of a restricted substance, the estimated / calculated PPM of that substance against the mass of the applicable homogenous, mechanically separable material and finished product in which it occurs will be indicated.